Whether you have been wearing hearing aids for some time or are looking into beginning your journey with considering hearing aids, you may have done some research already. Many patients will find there are best practices that are recommended to ensure that patients have optimal success with their hearing aids. One of these best practices includes real ear measurements or conformity evaluation.

Real ear measurements is a process that involves verifying that the hearing aids are working appropriately and meeting a set of prescriptive targets for your hearing loss. Your Doctor of Audiology will place a probe tube into your ear canals along with your hearing aids and then run a series of tests to help them fine tune your hearing aids. This process is essentially like a hearing test with the hearing aids on. Best practices dictate that your Doctor of Audiology perform this service when you receive your hearing aids or shortly after receiving your hearing aids.

Real ear measurements or conformity evaluation are something that studies have shown to improve the outcomes of patients’ hearing aid success. We are committed to helping our patients hear their best at Washington Hearing Center and we are happy to help further explain real ear measurements when you come in for an appointment.


Dr. Tanya McCormack and Dr. Allison Love