How Do Audiologists Differ From Hearing Instrument Specialists?
When choosing a hearing care provider, many patients are thinking about just the hearing aids and not necessarily the professional who is going to help them to be successful with [...]
Best Hearing Doctor & Best Hearing Center 2024
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for supporting us! Our awesome community has voted us both Best Hearing Doctor and Best Hearing Center! We are super blessed to get to [...]
Welcome FULL-TIME to Washington Hearing Center- Dr. Allison Love
Dr. Allison has been with our practice for two years working part-time. We are thrilled to now have her here with us 5 days a week! She has been a [...]
Reader’s Choice Awards! Vote for Us- “Best Hearing Doctor” & “Best Hearing Center”
We can't thank you enough for voting us both "Best Hearing Center" and "Best Hearing Doctor" in 2023! We, at Washington Hearing Center, could use your help again to be [...]
Best Hearing Doctor & Best Hearing Center
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Our awesome community has voted us both Best Hearing Doctor and Best Hearing Center! We are super blessed to be able to do what [...]
Chronic diseases often lead to Hearing Loss
Chronic diseases often lead to hearing loss Diabetes Up to 30% of adults with diabetes will experience hearing loss. High blood glucose causes tiny blood vessels in the inner ear [...]